Voice Acting Job
Voice Acting Jobs

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Voice Acting Jobs for 13 Year Olds

As a 13-year-old, you may be wondering what career path to take or what skills to develop. One amazing and satisfying choice is to pursue voice acting work. Voice acting is a fun as well as creative task that enables you to utilize your voice to bring characters to life in animations, video games, and commercials.

In this supreme guide, we'll discover the skills required for voice acting, opportunities available for 13-year-olds, and how to get ready for as well as find voice acting work.

Skills Needed for Voice Acting

  • Voice acting needs a unique set of skills that can be created over time. The initial and crucial skill is the capability to act. Acting involves understanding as well as portraying a character's emotions, character, and also motivations. As a voice star, you won't have the advantage of body language or faces, so it is essential to share these components via your voice.
  • One more essential skill for voice acting is vocal range. You must have the ability to control your voice to develop various tones, accents, as well as inflections. This skill can be created through practice as well as training.
  • Along with acting and vocal range, voice actors need to likewise have excellent reading skills. They must be able to check out manuscripts with complete confidence and with proper intonation. Practice reading aloud and recording yourself to improve your delivery.
  • Lastly, a great voice star needs to have the capability to take direction. Directors might have particular suggestions concerning just how they desire a personality to seem, and also a voice actor need to have the ability to take feedback and also readjust their performance as necessary.

Voice Acting Opportunities for 13 Year Olds

  • Voice acting opportunities for 13-year-olds are available in various sectors. One of the most common opportunities for young voice actors remains in animation. Animated programs and also flicks call for a number of voice actors to bring characters to life, as well as there are commonly duties available for young actors.
  • One more chance remains in video games. Video games require voice actors to supply voices for personalities and also narratives. This market is proliferating, and there are several opportunities for young voice actors to get entailed.
  • Last but not least, commercials and also ads require voice actors to supply voiceovers for services and products. This market might be a little bit much more difficult to enter, however it can be a financially rewarding opportunity for those that succeed.

Where to Find Voice Acting Jobs for 13 Year Olds

  • Finding voice acting jobs for 13-year-olds can be a little bit difficult, however there are numerous methods to explore. One way to get started is by producing an account on online casting platforms such as Voices.com or Voice123.com. These systems enable you to develop a profile, post a demo reel, as well as get voice acting work.
  • Another avenue to check out is local theater productions. Several theaters generate programs that require voice actors, and this can be a great method to get experience and develop your return to.
  • Finally, think about reaching out to local recording studios. They might have opportunities for voice actors to work with projects such as audiobooks or podcasts.

Preparing for a Voice Acting Audition

  • Getting ready for a voice acting audition is crucial to success. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the script. Check out it several times and attempt to understand the character's character, inspirations, as well as emotions. Practice reviewing the script aloud and trying out different tones and also inflections.
  • Next off, record yourself reading the script as well as listen to the recording. Take note of your delivery, pacing, as well as pronunciation. Make notes on areas that need enhancement as well as practice those sections.
  • Last but not least, be prepared to take direction. Supervisors might ask you to change your delivery, so it is very important to be versatile as well as available to responses.

Tips for a Successful Voice Acting Audition

  • There are numerous tips to keep in mind when auditioning for a voice acting job. Initially, arrive early as well as be prepared. Make sure you have a copy of the script, a bottle of water, as well as any other items you might require.
  • Next, pay attention thoroughly to the supervisor's guidelines and also ask inquiries if required. Take your time as well as do not hurry through the script. Remember to convey the character's feelings and character with your voice.
  • Finally, be confident and also have a good time. Voice acting is imaginative as well as amazing work, so appreciate the experience.

Voice Acting Classes and Training for 13 Year Olds

  • Taking voice acting courses as well as training can be a wonderful means to enhance your skills and also gain experience. There are several on-line training courses as well as in-person classes available for young voice actors.
  • On-line courses such as those provided by Voiceover Kickstart or Gravy for the Brain can be a wonderful way to discover the fundamentals of voice acting and also boost your skills. In-person courses at neighborhood movie theater business or recreation centers can give hands-on experience and opportunities to deal with other actors.
  • Lastly, consider private coaching. A voice acting trainer can offer personalized feedback and aid you sharpen your skills.

The Importance of a Demo Reel

A demo reel is a crucial tool for any voice star. It's a short recording that showcases your range and also capabilities as a voice actor. An excellent demo reel can assist you get noticed by casting directors as well as enhance your opportunities of landing a task.

How to Create a Demo Reel for a 13 Year Old Voice Actor

  • Creating a demo reel can seem daunting, yet it's an uncomplicated procedure. Initially, choose a couple of manuscripts to record. These manuscripts ought to showcase your range and also abilities as a voice actor.
  • Next off, tape the manuscripts using a top quality microphone as well as a recording software program. See to it the audio quality is clear and also devoid of any type of background sound.
  • Finally, edit the recordings into a brief demo reel. Maintain it to no greater than 3 minutes and consist of a range of voices as well as characters.

Building a Career in Voice Acting

Constructing a career in voice acting takes time and also devotion. It is essential to continue to establish your skills as well as build your experience. Maintain your demo reel upgraded and also continue to audition for tasks.

Networking is also important in the voice acting market. Participate in industry occasions, get in touch with other voice actors, as well as consider joining expert organizations such as the Society of Voice Arts as well as Sciences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Voice Acting for 13 Year Olds

  • There are several usual blunders that young voice actors can make. One error is overacting. It is very important to convey the personality's emotions, yet overacting can be disruptive as well as take away from the performance.
  • An additional error is not being prepared. Ensure you know the script and have actually practiced your delivery. Arrive early and prepare to execute.
  • Lastly, prevent copying various other stars. Create your one-of-a-kind voice and style as a voice star.


Voice acting is a fun and also rewarding job that can be sought by 13-year-olds. It needs acting skills, vocal range, as well as the capability to take direction. There are numerous opportunities available in animation, video games, and commercials. Voice acting classes online can help in anime voice acting by providing a structured and supportive learning environment where aspiring voice actors can improve their skills and gain knowledge about the industry.

To get started, develop a profile on online casting platforms, reach out to local recording studios, and also take into consideration taking voice acting courses. Bear in mind to remain prepared, take direction, as well as have a good time. With commitment as well as willpower, you can build an effective career in voice acting.


Q: Can 13 years old work as voice actors?

A: Yes, 13 years old can work as voice actors, but they must have a work permit and follow child labor laws in their state or country.

Q: What kind of voice acting jobs are available for 13 year old?

A: Some voice acting jobs available for 13 years old include animation, video games, commercials, and audiobooks.

Q: Do 13 years old need any special training or experience to become a voice actor?

A: While training and experience can be helpful, they are not always necessary for voice acting jobs. Some 13 years old may have natural talent and can develop their skills with practice.

Q: Can 13 year old work as voice actors from home?

A: Yes, many voice acting jobs can be done from home with a good quality microphone and a quiet recording environment. However, parents should supervise their child and make sure they are safe while working online.

Q: How much do voice actors typically earn?

A: Voice actors can earn varying amounts depending on the project, their experience, and the length of the work. Some may earn a few hundred dollars per project, while others may earn thousands for larger roles.

Q: How can 13 years old find voice acting jobs?

A: 13 years old can find voice acting jobs through talent agencies, online job boards, social media, and by networking with others in the industry.

Q: Are there any risks or downsides to working as a voice actor at 13?

A: Some risks or downsides may include exposure to inappropriate content or language, dealing with rejection or criticism, and potentially disrupting their education or extracurricular activities. It is important for parents to weigh these risks and make an informed decision with their child.